What Is a Tangible Personal Property Gift List?
If a decedent's valid and unrevoked Will refers to a gift list for tangible personal property (RCW 11.12.255), and after decedent's death such a gift list signed by the decedent is discovered, it will be construed as a part of the Will itself. Where multiple versions of such a list exist, the most recently will control. If a person designated to receive a gift under the gift list dies before the decedent, the gift lapses, and the anti-lapse statute (RCW 11.12.110) shall not apply to the gift. RCW 11.12.260.
Tangible personal property includes personal and household items, furniture, automobiles, boats, airplanes, jewelry, precious metal bullion, and furnishings. Tangible personal property does not include property used for trade or business, real estate, mobile homes, or intangible property such as money, bank accounts, promissory notes, certificates of deposit, securities, copyrights, or patents. RCW 11.12.260.